martes, 29 de abril de 2014


Hi Kids! 
Here you have your fantastic essays about the play:TARZAN! 
Nice Works and Good Job!


1st Cycle. ANIMALS (2º)

During this unit we have been learnig many things about animals. We have learnt some vocabulay about them and what they can do. Moreover, we have studied what a hedgehog does during each season. We love animals!!!! Here you have some photos.

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014


3rd grade, primary - 6th grade, primary
Hi everybody! Today we have seen the play "TARZAN". It was amazing!! Some of our students act in it with the actors and we have had a great time! Tarzan, Jane, Archi, monkeys... were crazy jeje...Here you have the plot and some photos.

An aeroplane crashes in the middle of the jungle. The only survivor is a small boy who is adopted by monkeys. The boy grows up to become Tarzan, Lord of the Apes. Meanwhile Jane Goodall, a nature-loving documentary maker, and her fiancée, Archibald Porter III the hunter are on an expedition in the jungle. Tarzan\'s best friend Cheetah is kidnapped and taken to London. Inspired in Edgar Rice Burroughs famous series of novels this new comic adventure tells the story of how Tarzan is taken us from the deepest African jungle to Timbuktu. Will he save Cheetah? Will Tarzan be civilised? Will Jane find true love? Find out more as Face 2 Face take the audience on the safari of a life time where we meet a host of animals from elephants to monkeys.In this show vocabulary realted to animals, food and clothes are studied along with prepostition and the tenses present simple and present continuous.
See you!

Hi my lovely students!
This is the web page of the school of our penfriends from Czechoslovakia.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014


Hello everybody!!
The last 23rd of April we celebrated the World Book's Day.
In 1995 UNESCO decided that the World Book and Copyright Day would be celebrated on 23rd of April, as the date is also the anniversary of the birth and death of William Shakespeare, the deaths of Miguel de CervantesInca Garcilaso de la Vega and Josep Pla, and the birth of Maurice DruonManuel Mejía Vallejo and Halldór Laxness.
We carried out different activities... We all like reading!!  :)

viernes, 18 de abril de 2014


Hello kids!!
Last month we went to the theatre, the play we saw was "Goldilocks and the three bears".It was in English and it was amazing!!
The main characters were a beautiful girl called Goldilocks, a instructor called Mr Ferguson, Karen who was Goldilocks' best friend and the three bears: Daddy bear, Mummy bear and Teddy bear. They showed us how to respect nature. Besides, we learnt how important is sharing and being friendly.
Here you have some photos.

If you want to listen to the songs click on the links.

If you want to read part of the story click on the link.

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014


We are very worried about our planet, so we have designed some rules to follow. We must take them it to consideration to preserve our natural environment, don't forget them, please!!!!


Hello children!!
During this week we have been working on the Earth continents. We have made many projects and at the same time we have learnt about Oceania. We have discovered its animals: kiwis, koalas, kangaroos, demons of Tasmania and we have made a "Pavlova", a typical Australian dessert. It was very funny!!
The last day we went to Olías del Rey and we enjoyed a lot, it was a wonderful sunny day ;)